I Know How To Beat Baseball


to tell the truth you dont amaze me
May 11, 2006
Im not talking about the fact that i know the games, players and all that...
ive beaten baseball for years and done so at the risk the lines makers create for us. i have been tracked for years and won big. i realize i came here posting a lot of huge plays and thats not something i have done before but i did so coming off a huge basktball/football season and with more money to pull from and post as represented on here. i never really get serious until june with my plays just based on the fact that we have seen what these guys are bringing this year and have at least 10 stars from each SP to pull from. that works but slumps are still something any capper will have to fight off. since i have been locked up i have been thinking a bit more and not posting plays as, and i will be honest, as just my being arrogant and thinking i know everything about the game. it is what it is but ive gotten by on that and its worked. this didnt mean i was a bad person that would break into your house and kill your pets, just was arrogant about the game.
but i have been thinking and anyone that trully knows me, know that i have many views on things and think a lot about everything. growing up it was sports and math that kept my mind busy and i guess thats what led me to wagering. but being put down here and not really able to make fun of people or be defensive when douche bags doubt every thing i have ever done in life, i have focused on baseball a bit more, trying to come up with a way of creating value instead of being handed a value. not accepting the cut and dry that most of us accept when we log onto pinny or something, but using those lines to beat the lines makers. well, i have created a system that will do just that.

i may still be steaking it a bit....but i can beat baseball. i can cap games to a point where the risk of losing each night is +210 or there abouts.

i wont lie, im pretty pleased tonight. just sharing some with my old friends. the reasons i cannot go into detail about the system and my reasoning are obvious, but i have figured it out.


I can make a lot of people, a lot of money.
hope to do just that


to tell the truth you dont amaze me
May 11, 2006
I will, i have posted some plays, tho none are with the system i have figured out. this is trully one of the greatest days ive had as a capper. i cant tell the system b/c then i fucked ya know...
but its as good as anything there is and will ever be. ive pretty much got baseball beat. i even laugh at my own plays now, tho i have won well over 100 units 3 years in a row and am doing very well this year, i look at the risks i have taken and we all take each day and just shake my head. my own plays look sophmoric to me. just a great day


New member
Jun 5, 2006
mofome said:
I will, i have posted some plays, tho none are with the system i have figured out. this is trully one of the greatest days ive had as a capper. i cant tell the system b/c then i fucked ya know...
but its as good as anything there is and will ever be. ive pretty much got baseball beat. i even laugh at my own plays now, tho i have won well over 100 units 3 years in a row and am doing very well this year, i look at the risks i have taken and we all take each day and just shake my head. my own plays look sophmoric to me. just a great day


hell yeah bro, i have been getting the shaft from bodog for the past month, i would really be happy if i could make some on that site with ur picks i will make sure to check out the rx for ur picks. im new ere and i dont know u but i will definatley give it a try since many rx members acknologise u.
Sep 21, 2003
mofome said:
Im not talking about the fact that i know the games, players and all that...
ive beaten baseball for years and done so at the risk the lines makers create for us. i have been tracked for years and won big. i realize i came here posting a lot of huge plays and thats not something i have done before but i did so coming off a huge basktball/football season and with more money to pull from and post as represented on here. i never really get serious until june with my plays just based on the fact that we have seen what these guys are bringing this year and have at least 10 stars from each SP to pull from. that works but slumps are still something any capper will have to fight off. since i have been locked up i have been thinking a bit more and not posting plays as, and i will be honest, as just my being arrogant and thinking i know everything about the game. it is what it is but ive gotten by on that and its worked. this didnt mean i was a bad person that would break into your house and kill your pets, just was arrogant about the game.
but i have been thinking and anyone that trully knows me, know that i have many views on things and think a lot about everything. growing up it was sports and math that kept my mind busy and i guess thats what led me to wagering. but being put down here and not really able to make fun of people or be defensive when douche bags doubt every thing i have ever done in life, i have focused on baseball a bit more, trying to come up with a way of creating value instead of being handed a value. not accepting the cut and dry that most of us accept when we log onto pinny or something, but using those lines to beat the lines makers. well, i have created a system that will do just that.

i may still be steaking it a bit....but i can beat baseball. i can cap games to a point where the risk of losing each night is +210 or there abouts.

i wont lie, im pretty pleased tonight. just sharing some with my old friends. the reasons i cannot go into detail about the system and my reasoning are obvious, but i have figured it out.


I can make a lot of people, a lot of money.
hope to do just that


Put this shitty auto biography in the DUMP!!How many times did he write "I".
Anybody who has to tell you how good they are SUCKS.

head turd in the outhouse
Sep 13, 2005
Put this shitty auto biography in the DUMP!!How many times did he write "I".
Anybody who has to tell you how good they are SUCKS.

i don't know mo, i do know his plays, he has been a documented 100+ unit winner for several years in a row. i said it before and i'll say it again, he's cocky, he's brash, he'll rub some the wrong way, but the mofo is a winner, i like winners!! don't hate on mo, he knows his shit.
Sep 21, 2003
teazeman said:
i don't know mo, i do know his plays, he has been a documented 100+ unit winner for several years in a row. i said it before and i'll say it again, he's cocky, he's brash, he'll rub some the wrong way, but the mofo is a winner, i like winners!! don't hate on mo, he knows his shit.

Dont tell us how good you are,prove how good you are.I cant stand tout-like talk.
"I can cap games to a point where the risk of losing each night is +210" mofo-Quote

WTF does that mean.
I'll stop the mini bashing in this thread and wish him luck but do it downstairs.Goodluck

And if the Road Warrior says it, it must be true..
Sep 21, 2004
This should get interesting real quick... Welcome and GL..be interesting to see what you got. Don't take this the wrong way but many have come before you with the same smack and have failed.

New member
Jun 30, 2005
I know one thing you set your self up for hard failure. Once you start losing the bashing will not stop.

to tell the truth you dont amaze me
May 11, 2006

green, you have made a few mistakes.
1) thinking that i care what you think, i can assure you, i do not.
2) I use the word "i" to describe myself. if you ever come up with a system, i would hope you describe yourself as the same.
3) I could care less if you wish me luck, dont think that i do
4) im tracked for years
5) im up more units posted here in the last 14 days than you will ever be in a single baseball season
6) i did not just come here talking anything. I posted about the fact that i have come up with something. are you even a capper?
7) If you want to take this to a dump? get yourself a towl b/c you will be promptly shat upon
8) learn your place.
9) you do not know what a line of +2.10 means? have you ever seen a line before? if you have, then you should understand what it is i am saying. the chances of me losing a wager on this system play is +210 or there abouts. in other words, betting against me is a losing prop
10) i wish you well.
11) Yoo-Hoo is my favorite chocolate milk, tho i have a tough time not chugging it all down within 2 minutes of opening it :(

also green, if you would like to talk about any team, player, game or anything else sports or baseball related, lets talk. if you are humble i will post as if i care about your points and respect them, if you are not, i will make a joke of them and explain, as with great sarcasm, as to what makes your points so stupid.

to everyone else, i love you. and if you would like to talk about anything and test my knowledge, lets enjoy. as long as we are all here with the goal of winning and enjoying. if some take this post/reply the wrong way, i apologize. this guy chose to rip me, not vise versa. im merely posting my reply, nothing more.


to tell the truth you dont amaze me
May 11, 2006
fightclub34 said:
I know one thing you set your self up for hard failure. Once you start losing the bashing will not stop.

why would the bashing stop? people like to win. if someone that i dont know bashes me and i allow it to ruin my day, ive got more to worry about than just the e-bashing, do i not?

I dont mind shit talking, its part of the game and can be fun. just dont think that after i reply or make my points that i am thinking about what was said any longer. bash if you like....i understand that on therx is very touchy as to what can be said and what will get deleted. so i will try not to be too hard on those that try to "bash". tho, bashing already implicates my mental domination over a poster. a compliment of sorts


im not a rookie, no worries.


Cui servire est regnare
Sep 21, 2004
mofome said:
why would the bashing stop? people like to win. if someone that i dont know bashes me and i allow it to ruin my day, ive got more to worry about than just the e-bashing, do i not?

I dont mind shit talking, its part of the game and can be fun. just dont think that after i reply or make my points that i am thinking about what was said any longer. bash if you like....i understand that on therx is very touchy as to what can be said and what will get deleted. so i will try not to be too hard on those that try to "bash". tho, bashing already implicates my mental domination over a poster. a compliment of sorts


im not a rookie, no worries.


Well if you can beat it, lets see some plays!

You work will speak for itself if its "that good"

to tell the truth you dont amaze me
May 11, 2006
i will put it to you guys like this.

i have a system i have come up with and the ONLY way it gets beat is on about a +210-+270 chance. The ONLY way it gets beat is if it happens on a wager that not one capper on the forum will pick. not one on the entire forum, each night.

i cant say much more about it.


sorry if im excited about my recent findings. im more than open to being ripped in the dump.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
geez.. just post the plays and shut up

can you say ATTENTION WHORE??

hate to bash but this tool brings it on easily

he's setting himself up for failure

to tell the truth you dont amaze me
May 11, 2006
lets think about this.

you call me a tool though i have never spoken with you in my life. then you say i am setting myself up for failure as if that bothers you. hmmmm....root against me, better yet, fade me.

i will tell you this, you would Much rather have me wagering with your money than you doing it yourself. that is supposing you like to win.

if being excited about a new system is a bad things, i am a sinner



New member
Sep 21, 2004
why all the hype???

i don't care what you do, just saying that people who come on thinking they're so great, such a winner etc etc.

We all know what happens then.


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